This weekend has been one of the most jam packed weekends I've had in a very, very long time. Like probably the busiest weekend I've had since around the holidays. That means that all the blog posts that were supposed to get written, didn't.
It all started on Friday, the day I worked two and a half hours. After those few hours were over, I headed down to the
OC Fair to help out my alma mater's agriculture program (also known as,
FFA) get ready to show their lambs. This week is market week, so it's a crazy, exciting, chaotic, busy time for those kids and their animals. Friday was also opening day. Holy traffic, you guys. It took me way longer than it should've to get parked and in the gate. I stayed until 5p. Got home around 6p. Left for J's moms around 8p.
Saturday, we went shooting after we (of course) had to go to Bass Pro Shop. Joshua recently finished building his AR-15, so we were dying to get some rounds in. It was freakin' awesome! We also went clay shooting at the same range. Of course, I took pictures! I also didn't take my computer to J's mom's house because I was only going to be there for one day. Rookie mistake.
Today (Sunday) I spent the
entire day at the fair grounds, with BFF (Kimberly) helping the steer kids. My day is approaching 18 hours long with only two, fifteen minute cat naps. I know, I should really go to bed already. My lips got sunburnt and I have a newfound farmer's tan. How fitting. :) But it was, and is always, such a thrill to be a part of that group!
My meal planning post was supposed to go live today. I haven't even shopped for the week, nor decided what I'm going to eat. My
Blogging with a Purpose post may not go up tomorrow, if at all, although I'm hoping I can squeeze it in during one of L's nap times. This week is another crazy, weird, irregular week. With more fair days, more work, and a visiting little cousin. Please bear with me during this organized chaos called my life! :)