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THE Switch [to Bloglovin']

Tomorrow it will officially be half way through June. That means that in fifteen short days, Google Reader will be gone forever. Luckily there is a way you can continue to follow my blog! There is an amazing website is called Bloglovin' that will allow you to follow all the same blogs you're following now, and will even import them without much effort on your part.

Becky over at From Mrs. to Mama wrote a lovely post on how to sign up and import all the blogs you currently follow.

Want my Bloglovin' link? Here it is, or you can click that "b" in my "Let's Get Social" sidebar! 


I've been getting more comments than normal lately! I reply to all comments via email. If you commented and never heard from me, this is important for you. Please make sure you're not a "no-reply blogger"! To figure out whether or not you are and how to fix it, visit Kaitlyn's post here

I was a no-reply blogger up until a few months ago. Not knowing, I was frustrated when I was asking a question, etc. and it wasn't being answered. It is frustrating for both bloggers as well as readers.

Are you doing anything special this weekend? 
Happy Friday!

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